The Landscape of the HK Intangible Cultural Heritage

Year: July - Sep 2019
Client: PolyU School of Design
x HKSAR Government

Team Member:
Brian Lee (Curator-in-Chief)
Tiffany Fong (Project Management)
Ray Leung
Sophia Tse
Lawerence Chu

Celebrating the anniversary of ASEAN, the HKSAR government teamed up with PolyU Design to create a gift. It marks their friendship. In society, intangible cultural heritages are always a treasure. To recreate a new and old contrast, the team combined the latest laser-cutting technology and the traditional art form Canton Porcelain. In the summer, the team was honored to learn Canton Porcelain in Guangdong. We created 3D intangible heritage art pieces with the latest metal laser-cutting technology. The project is now stored at the ASEAN in Bangkok, Thailand, as an art collection.


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