D-CAN 乜都 CAN . . .
Advertising Campaign

WHAT IS . . .
Deliveroo is a food delivery platform, founded in London. In 2015, the brand spreads their business to Hong Kong. Offering fast and reliable delivery service is the goal of the brand. Deliveroo brings the best local restaurants direct to people's door.
The client would love to increase the brand awareness to the university and Tertiary students. Making Deliveroo as their default choice is the goal of this project.
Get the university and Tertiary students
To bring awareness and make Deliveroo as their default choice
By telling them “D Can can do anything without limits”, D Can 乜都Can… D can can be everywhere, any format and anything!
D Can = Deliveroo Canteen“
#最好玩嘅Canteen #最chill嘅Canteen #最自由嘅Canteen
#最多野揀嘅Canteen #營業時間最長嘅Canteen …
On festivals and special period, different events will be launched. There will also be unexpected events in different universities. The events will be once a month, which about 1 day to a week. For the promotion, we are going to use digital media and print advertising inside the campus.
Instead of events, we would also want to produce digital advertising to strengthen our message. They will be launched on Instagram and Facebook. More promotion cost will go to Instagram, as the user of Instagram are tend to be our target group.
Instagram Filter and WhatsApp sticker would use to strengthen the whole advertising campaign. The tools give a hand to interact with potential customers. It can increase the awareness of Deliveroo through some daily-used tools.
The events will crossover with the arts and music society of universities. In this concert, we will invite local band and singer. Audience can eat in the concert while listening the music.
Deliveroo App
GPS can help to locate the user’s location. The events of today will show in the app. Using the original app helps to use less budget and operation fee. We decided to use the order number as the ticket code of the concert. We will bring the orders to the venue.
The Venue
We have chosen PolyU Square as our study venue.
There will be a food hall next to the stage. The audience
can also use Deliveroo at the entrance. High Tables are
available in the venue. The Stage is designed as the iconic
paper bag appearance. It can remind the public about the

Event Preview
Digital Ad
Apart from events , we will also create some short fun videos on social media.
Storyboard 1
Campus 食壽司
In the lesson, a group of students were sitting in the lecture room as usuals. They start moving the hands. Actually, they are handing the dishes as Sushi train.
Storyboard 2
Campus 食燒肉
In the lab, a group of students are doing experiments as usual. Suddenly, sounds of “Sa…” can be heard. The main character looks to the back. He found out they are using the burner to make Korean BBQ.
Instagram Filter & WhatsApp Sticker
instagram filter
Launching an Instagram filter can create interaction with the audience. We found out that lots of students were struggling to eat which restaurant all the time. So, we design a filter on Instagram. Deliveroo will prepare sets of different canteens in the filter. It can help you to decide the restaurants.
WhatsApp Sticker
WhatsApp Sticker is the tool for letting audiences to use. There are a lot of idioms for the stickers. The audiences can send these stickers in WhatsApp, instead of just typing. For example, AOE, it means “anyone eat?”.