Kay isn’t me
An Urban Fantasy Live
Countdown Post on Facebook
What is …
“Kay Isn't Me, an urban fantasy live” is a live concert, held by Kay Tse (謝安琪). The event starts on 9-12 October 2019. This is the fourth solo concert in Hong Kong Coliseum, by Kay. "Kay Isn't Me" brings a new vision of typical concert, by without dancers and vivid lighting effects.
As the Facebook Page Admin of the “Kay Tse Information”, our team would love to bring the hype . It leads us to decide doing countdown post of “Kay Isn’t Me, an urban fantasy live”.
Facebook Page: 謝安琪資訊台
Get the fans of Kay Tse
To be excited about the show
By doing the social media post for coutdowns. Based on the current visuals by her record label, we decided posts with typography design and art direction.