Deliveroo x Mcdonald’s
Year: July 2020
Client: Deliveroo
Agency: Noah Workshop x Durian
Team Member:
Noah Workshop
Rachel Wong
Polly Ko
Chi Ho (Internship)
Ray Leung (Internship)
Stephaine Choi
TszWai Kwok
Promoting the limited edition dips of McNuggets, the team would like to use new faces in the upcoming campaign.
Leverage on the popularity of Error (the unique ensemble that has been positioned as the underdog),
the team first created suspense and buzz by creating a rivalry with Error’s “arch-enemy” - Mirror (another viuTV ensemble).
Before the launch of the main video, the team put out a teaser to create awareness from the fans of Error and Mirror.
The video aims to create a competition whether Error or Mirror can beat another one to star in the new advertisement.
The video went viral at the time, reaching a 320K watching rate.
到底因乜解究,MIRROR 同 ERROR 搞到內鬥,令Error四子
梁業-肥仔 何啟華 DeeGor Ho 郭嘉駿 Denis Kwok 193 Poki 吳保錡 要 #集氣R撈 ?
原來,係因為花姐嘅一個電話⋯⋯同埋戶戶送 x 麥當勞嘅Shake & Dip獨家八五折優惠!?
即日起至 2020 年 8 月 16 日,用戶戶送order指定麥樂雞套餐,即享 獨家85 折*!
想一次過 Dip 齊四款滋味醬:蜜糖芥末、韓式辛辣、星洲咖喱同香草檸檬,仲可以order埋Shake & Dip 二人餐,試埋其他期間限定產品添㗎!
咁都不特只:訂購指定麥樂雞套餐,加HK$ 3 ,就可以歎到菠蘿批一件/大大杯冰桃雜果梳打茶一杯^!新用戶輸入優惠碼「SND60」,再可享額外首3張麥當勞訂單,每張HK$20折扣”!
優惠期有限,快啲戶戶歎優惠 ,齊齊 Shake & Dip :
#戶戶送香港 #戶戶送優惠 #戶戶送獨家優惠 #麥當勞 #麥樂雞 #DeliverooHK #DeliveroOffer #McDonalds
Main Video
The main video is launched a few days after the teaser. To promote the delivery service of Deliveroo, we use the phrase "十八相送" to be the theme of the campaign.
"十八相送" is an iconic song in Cantonese Opera. The team dressed Error as the Cantonese Opera singers, singing the new lyrics of the iconic song.
It continues the hilarious and fun for Deliveroo's brand image.
The video went viral, reaching more than 500K watch rate on Facebook.
戶戶送85折子戲 之 十八相送
【 失禁級興奮 】多謝多謝!我哋四個,終於 #集氣R撈 成功喇!多謝老闆 多謝花姐 最重要係,多謝錫晒我哋嘅你哋~
多謝多謝!為咗多謝大家,ERROR決定挑戰自己,獻出處男粵劇羞恥play 合演經典戲曲《十八相送》⋯⋯因為「十八」件麥樂雞,有戶戶「送」呀嘛 !
何啟華 DeeGor Ho 係梁山伯, 梁業-肥仔 係祝英台, 郭嘉駿 Denis Kwok 193 同 Poki 吳保錡 就係兩件伴讀書僮!敬請細心觀賞,多謝多謝!
想我哋繼續有多啲廣告拍,大家就快啲繼續用 戶戶送 Deliveroo 叫 #麥樂雞,齊齊 #ShakenDip ,2020年7月30日起叫埋 #麥炸雞 仲送你首度登場嘅 #車打芝士醬添,更即享 #獨家85折 優惠!多謝多謝! >>> >>>
#戶戶送香港 #戶戶送優惠 #戶戶送繼續送 #戶戶送獨家優惠 #DeliverooHK #DeliveroOffer #ShakenDip #麥樂雞 #麥當勞McDonald's #ERROR
^優惠至2020年8月16日。*八五折優惠只適用於指定麥樂雞套餐及美食,優惠期至2020年8月16日,先到先得。優惠最低消費為HK$80,受條款及細則約束。麥當勞新用戶優惠碼僅適用於首次用戶,指從未於戶戶送平台下單之客戶,並只適用於首三張麥當勞訂單。麥當勞新用戶優惠碼有效日期至2020年8月31日。優惠最低消費為 HK$100 (不連運費)。 詳情請參閱 條款及細則。
#此片發生於古代 #四個人就叫戶戶送返屋企一齊食喇