HKSAR Government

x Polyu sd



Product Design


WHAT IS . . .



On 8 August 1967, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Unions) was established in Bangkok, Thailand. The community includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. The ASEAN Charter serves a firm foundation by providing legal status and institutional framework.



With the sustained development of ASEAN, HKSAR would love to offer a remarkable gift for the association. The gift would place in the ASEAN centre in Bangkok, Thailand. The culture and history of Hong Kong is always a pleasure to present. Showing the love and support of HKSAR is the goal of this gift.


After several times of brainstorming, we decided to use the intangible cultural heritages to present the culture and history. Canton Porcelain is the very significant craftsmanship of Hong Kong. It leads us to involve the Canton Porcelain into our work. It is a remarkable gift to show new technology and traditional craftsmanship at the same time.


Final Layout

After a long time of discussion, We have setup the final layout of the artwork. The Canton Porcelain was finished on the plate. The Heritages were finished as metallic pieces, by using the latest cutting technology in Poly U.

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Making of . . .

During the project, 3 of us are honoured to be sent to Zhongshan, China. With the support of The Hong Kong Ceramics Research Society (香港陶瓷研究會), We learned the basic skills of Carton Porcelain with the master, 李溢坡. After finishing the plate, we started to create the metal part. By collaborating with the PolyU, the metal plate are very beautiful and in detailed. At last, we had started to create the frame in our own SD studio. The experience is so special and unique!

Final Product

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